Master Class: Advanced

This course is for practitioners seeking high-level advance training and covers chronic and complex conditions that western medicine finds difficult to treat.

Participants are expected to have prior learning and clinical experience because this course dives deep into the most challenging conditions:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Colic
  • Vomiting
  • Acute cough
  • Acute otitis media
  • Asthma 
  • Immunisations
  • Measles
  • Whooping cough

This course covers abdominal pain and colic and uses key diagnostic tools to differentiate the associated patterns for each. Participants will have video tutorials and training notes covering the main causes of colic and abdominal pain including attack of cold, blockage, shock and cranial compression, Qi obstruction and blood stasis (including appendicitis), Spleen Qi xu, retention of phlegm, lingering pathogenic factor and worms. Treatment protocols are provided for each condition.

Learning Objectives

◉ To be able to differentiate between abdominal pain and colic based on the different signs and symptoms

◉ Understand the aetiology and pathology of common abdominal pain and colic presentations

◉ Know how to form an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan

◉ Learn acupuncture protocols for the all of the underlying conditions; attack of cold, blockage, shock and cranial compression, Qi obstruction and blood stasis (including appendicitis), Spleen Qi xu, retention of phlegm, lingering pathogenic factor and worms. Treatment protocols are provided for each condition. 




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